Package org.otfeed.command

Command objects: all possible request types originate here.


Class Summary
AggregationSpan Represents aggregation time span.
BookStreamCommand Requests real-time (live) book events.
DividendsCommand Requests dividend info.
EquityInitCommand Request for the detailed equity information.
HistBooksCommand Request for the historical book data with tick resolution.
HistDataCommand Request for the historical aggregated OHLC (open-high-low-close) data.
HistTicksCommand Request for the historical data with tick resolution.
ListExchangesCommand Retrieves list of supported exchanges.
ListSymbolsCommand Retrieves list of symbols traded on an exchange.
MonthAndYear Composite, encapsulating month and year values.
OptionChainCommand Request for the real-time (live) option chain events.
OptionChainSnapshotCommand Request for option chain events snapshot.
OptionChainWithSnapshotCommand Synthetic command that requests snapshot and stream data.
OptionInitCommand Request for option detailed information.
PriceRange Composite, encapsulating a price range.
SnapshotCommand Request for the quote snapshot.
SplitsCommand Request for the stock split information.
TickStreamCommand Request for the real-time (live) quotes.
TickStreamWithSnapshotCommand Command that issues a synthetic request for snapshot and ticks stream.
TodaysOHLCommand Request for the current (today's) OHL (open, high, low) info.

Enum Summary
BookDeleteTypeEnum Enumerates possible types for the OTBookDelete event.
ListSymbolEnum Enumerates symbol types.
ListSymbolsCommand.MatchStyleEnum Type of string matching: prefix or contains.
OptionTypeEnum Enumerates Option execution styles.
TimeUnitEnum Enumerates time units used for aggregation.
VolumeStyleEnum Enumerates styles of volume reporting.

Package org.otfeed.command Description

Command objects: all possible request types originate here.

Contains command objects, describing the request to the OpenTick server. Every command object is a simple POJO object, that allows configuration via property injection (instantiation using default constructor, then setting all the properties), and via non-default constructor.

Some properties of a command object may be optional, bearing a sensible default. This provides some level of convenience when creating command objects. See also IConnection, and IRequest.

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